sounding art: performance, installation, fixed media


January 2025

I know things have been a bit quiet this end but not becasue I haven’t been busy, on the contrary. I have been starting to work on a collaboration with my ex-colleague Jenn Kirby who is now at University of Liverpool. It’s an improvised performance project called Embodied Dialogues, that features Jenn’s “Sensor Dress,” a wearable instrument that generates sound through the performer’s movement, alongside my unamplified voice. The dress is equipped with capacitive touch sensors and motion tracking, enabling real-time interaction between the body, dress, and sound. The idea is that I moves among the audience, activating the dress’s sensors as I do so, triggering a range of pre-recorded sounds. These range from electroacoustic and body-sourced sounds to environmental recordings, all amplified via a handheld speaker, while my voice remains un-amplified. This is a first demo should you want to have quick listen. The premiere is planned for later this year, as is a tour to the US. I know, not a good year for it….

A bit closer to home, on 10th March I’ll be performing with Viv Corringham at one of the fab ImproVox nights at the Bridewell Theatre Bar, Bride Lane Fleet Street, London, EC4Y 8EQ. I’ll add more details to the event page once I have them.

November 2024

This month sees another outing with Goldsmiths Improv Collective at Daylight Music, London Jazz Festival, at St John’s, 825 High Rd Leytonstone, Bushwood, London E11 1HH in 23 Nov from 12noon. St John’s is a very beautiful church – the picture to the left was taken at our prevous outing to Daylight Music/London Jazz festical, also at a church called St John’s but in Bethnal Green. If you’d like to get an idea what this might sound like, do check out our bandcamp.

October 2024

I am delighted to say that I will be performing with the wonderful Viv Corringham and Stuart Wilding at Sound Bureau in November. Sound Bureau is a new night organised by Tansy Spinks and Phil Durrant at the The Hamlet, 10 Streatham High Road, London, SW16 1DB – it’s fab to see more events springing up in South London at the moment! A bar and food are available if’s a bit if a treck for you… Entry is 7.30 for an 8pm start, cost a very modest £10/£8 seeing where prices are generally going these days. The picture by was taken a while back at Richard Sansderson’s Amzing Linar Obsessional afternoons in Lewisham, which I am thoroughly missing.

August 2024

I am very much looking forward to the annual outing with the Waveform Orchestra to Fourth Portal in Gravesend on 31st August from 3pm. In fact, you can join us for this participatory perambulatory performance around an oil rig sculpture and steel crab, created by artist Alice Helps on Bawley Bay Beach. The performance is led as usual by the wonderful Richard Sanderson and you ou can hear/see our dronings from last last year here. Plus there are other activities on offer that should make this into a fun Saturday – more details are here.

PS: The picture is from last year too. If you peer cloely you can spot me hiding in the back –  I HATE having my picture taken…

June 2024

On 9th of June I am off to the Dorset coast to play with Tansy Spinks again, this time at the ecosonica weekender. Salt House, West Bay, Bridport, Dorset, from 7.30 pm (CANCELLED). Later that month, on 22th June I’ll be playing at Live at Cuckoo Farm, Benham Gallery, Cuckoo Farm Studios, Colchester. I have to say, It’s great to get out of the Black Hole that is London!

I’m very honored to be playing at the Scaledown 20th Anniversary event on 28th June! Scaledown is a very special beast, and it’s amazing to think I performed at the first ever incarnation, and plenty more since. Also on the bill are Bettina Schroeder/Smith, trombone poetry, Talky Walky,Jude Montague , La Celine, Helen McCookerybook and Remnants 2, at at the King And Queen, 1 Foley Street. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

May 2024

Mexico has been a pretty amazing experience and I can’t believe how long ago that feels already! I even managed to sneek a quick peek at the lunar eclipse amongst performing/workshopping/exhibiting in spectacular spaces.

There are a few compensations to being back though. On 18 May I’ll be playing live with the wonderful Tansy Spinks, at Konsztrukting Soundz, Evening #5 by N/O/E/W/A Creative Music, The Fishermen’s Chapel, Leigh-on-Sea. It starts at 7:30PM and free entry. More details are here . I’ve bought some fishy toys for the occasion…

On 21 May I’m looking forward to a voice duo with Viv Corringham at one of my favoured events, Skronk #148, at Endeavour, 39 Deptford Broadway, London, SE8 4PQ. I really loved out sets in Mexici so I’m looking forward to a repeat!

March 2024

Coming up is a tour to Mexico with plenty of performances, workshops, and talks made possible by the wonderful people at Enclave Festival, as part of the 23-24 edition of the Festival de Poesia Experimental.

The trip starts 8 April with a free improvisation workshop at Claustro de Sor Juana University, José María Izazaga 92, Centro Histórico de la Cdad. de México, Centro, Cuauhtémoc, 06080 Ciudad de México from 4-7pm.  To register click here. On 10 April there will be a live performance at Fonoteca National, México City and on 11 April a performance at Claustro de Sor Juana University, in Mexico City.  More information is here.

On 13 April you can catch The Listening Wall, with a workshop and talk at District 350 Gallery, C. Gral. San Martín 350, Col Americana, Obrera, 44140 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico. There will be free entry, from 6pm, followed by a performance with Viv Corringham. The day after, on 14th April, Viv and I will give a workshop at MAZ Museum, Prol. November 20, 166, historical center Zapopan, Jal, 11am. The last day of my trip is the 15 April I will give a talk entitled Voice, Tech, Space at ITESO University, Periférico Sur Manuel Gómez Morín # 8585 C.P. 45604 Tlaquepaque Jalisco, México, 1pm, free entry.

On 25 April you can join me on Envlave´s Instagram for Diálogos Bifrontes a conversation about practice and process.

February 2024

Coming up is another performance with  Goldsmiths Improv Collective.  It´s at at Goldsmiths, Great Hall, New Cross London SE14 6NW from 6.30pm. We´ll also be sharing a collaboration with the Laptop Ensemble led by the amazing Jenn Kirby! More info is here.

November 2023

In December, there will be two performances with Goldsmiths Improv Collective. The first one is on 8 December at Goldsmiths, Great Hall, from 8pm. More details are here. The second event is on 10 December at Avant Garden, Brockwell Barn in Brockwell Park, Brixton, from 5.30pm.

I particularly look forward playing with Tasmanian/French artists Julia Drouhin and Blenno Die Wurstbrücke Povera, on 10 January at a lunchtime concert at the EMS, Goldsmiths, 1-2pm. Entry is free and more information is here. A great start to the year!

October 2023

abstract screenshots from the videoNovember will be a busy month! From 8 November to 2 December 2023 you can catch my piece Infinity Kisses 23 exhibition with the collective Cats Like Plain Crisps at Blindside Gallery, Melbourne, Australia. The piece is a respsonse Carolee Schneeman´s work of (almost) the same title, re-imagining the act of kissing that is presented in the original, though sound. I will perform live at the opening on th 9 November.

On 11 November I will participtae in rining a workshop with Cats Like Plain Crisps as part of Melbourne Art Library’s Artist Syllabus. It´s from  2-3pm at Blindside Gallery, Melbourne, Australia.

On 23 November I will be hosting the hybrid launch of Enclave Festival at Music Research Series, Goldsmiths University of London. Free, from 6.30pm. Or if you are in Mexico, join is via Encave online at 12.30pm Mexican time.

On 26 November you can hear the premiere of transmissions/transmisiones, a commission in collaboration with interdisciplinary artist Daniel Lara Ballesteros for Enclave Festival, in Mexico DC or on facebook. More info is here

September 2023

The July performance with WHIP-MA-WHOP-MA-GATE (Milana Saruhanyan, Faradena Afifi, Jo Morrison and me) was an utter delight – below you can watch a short video compiled from mobile phone footage.

June 2023

There are a few fab events to look forward to in the next couple of months! The first one is a collborative event on 23rd June between Goldsmiths Improv Collective and Laptop Ensemble run by the amazing Jenn Kirby. Expect crackles and pops, delicate whirrings and joyful screechings from 6pm at Goldsmiths, University of London.

On 14 July I´m excited to be playing with WHIP-MA-WHOP-MA-GATE (aka Milana Saruhanyan, Faradena Afifi, Jo Morrison and moi), a quartet of humans who like to move around and make sounds, at The Pool, Tower Theatre, 16 Northwold Rd, London N16 7HR, from 7pm. Entry is £10/8.  An extract from the performance will feature on Ivor Kallin´s fab Ambrosia Rasputin Show on Resonance FM on 23 July, or the archive after

March 2023

Thanks to Matt Atkins for the video of last November´sperformancee with Tansy Spinks at the Hundred Year Gallery.

Feb 2023

On Monday 20 March I will be performance at Musicking, a night of quirky improvised based music at AMP Studios, 897a Old Kent Rd, London SE15 1NL. Doors open at 7pm and it´s £10 or pay what you can on the door. The event is run by one of my ex students Francis Moore so I am totally delighted he´s invited me! Also on the bill are Tommy Khosla, Wouter Mol and Doom Country.

Also in March there will be a couple of outings with the Goldsmiths Improv Collective. You can catch us on Friday 24 March in the Great Hall, Goldsmiths, 8 Lewisham Way, London SE14 6NW from 7pm. Entry is free. A week later on Friday 31 March we´ll be at Hundred Years Gallery, starts 7.30pm. Incidentally, we just started a bandcamp, do go and check it out!

On Sunday 30 April I´ll be playing again with with Tansy Spinks, this time at Avant Garden, Brockwell Barn in Brockwell Park, Brixton UK, from 5.30pm. This is a both a new space and a new event, the latter curated by Adam Brett. Not sure who else will be playing as yet but it´s bound to be a cool mix. If you want to know more about what Tansy and I have been up to, our recent Cosy Nook performance was broadcast on Resonance FM as part of Ivor Kallin´s The Ambrosia Rasputin Show which you can hear here 

You can also still catch a recent podcast about the Oram Awards that I appeared on in my role as one of the award judges, alongside 2 of last year´s winners, Kelly Jayne Jones and Amble Skuse. Check out Girls Twiddling Knobs, there is lots of really interesting stuff on there!

A while back I contributed a score to Tomoko Hojo´s project Unfinished Descriptions. My score is called Score for Contraceptives (what was I thinking…. 😂) and the whole project has now been released here

Talking about scores, another score of mine, originally created for The Listening Wall has featured as Day Day 244 of A Year of Deep Listening, a 365-day celebration of the legacy of Pauline Oliveros, and what would have been her 90th birthday, by Center for Deep Listening at Rensselaer. 

June 2022

There are quite a few activities to look forward to this summer! From 1-31 July my companion A/V pieces Fog and Smoke will be up at the Blue Lotus Foundation Project Space, all free and online.

From 18-24 July I will be back in Berlin, for [city]Frequency residency to work on a site specific compsition around the Königsheide Park, for exhibition at CBL Gallery, Berlin in 2023. Königsheide is this amazing green space and I am lokoing froard to wander around it for days on end!

On 18 August I will give talk and workshop entitled Field recordings an the Voice at the International Field Recording Meeting Mexico. Sadly for me, it won´t be in Mexico (I´d love to visit again!) but it´ll be online from 10am-3pm CDMX time. Details are here

On 16 September I´ll give a keynote lecture entitled “Breathing through Wires: Improvisation and Process” at the 9th Music and/as Process Conference, University for the Creative Arts in Farnham. It´ll be very cool for me to looks at process and improvisation again, no doubt with a nod to my PhD research and Procedural Blending.

May 2022

Looking ahead to June, on 8 June I will be in conversation with composers Ben Park and Stacey Blythe to explore our very different ways of approaching, composition, music, voice and listening. It´s a Zoom even, hosted by Dr Jo Milne for A.R.E  5.30pm. Please RSVP here to obtain the link.

On 11 June I will finally be playing with the fab Tansy Spinks again! It´s a site-specific performance for voice, beach debris and recycled instruments at the Whitstable Biennale as part of the The Sounding Shore : Coast to Coast, 3.30 – 4pm, Location is on the beach close to the Whitstable Oyster Company. More info is here. Book Biennale shuttle bus from London here

February 2022

A delayed but very Happy New Year and I am glad to have a few date in the diary for the next few months.

I am very happy to say that we have managed to reschedule November´s performance with Jude Cowan Montagu at Skronk, and it´s now planned 29th March. More details are here.

A few days beforehand, on 23 March, I´ll be playing with Goldsmiths Improv Collective, from 7.30pm, Goldsmiths, Great Hall, Richard Hoggart Building, New Cross London SE14 6NW. More information is here

I´ll be returning to Skonk on 17 May, this time with Katrin M who is visting London for a CRiSAP soundwalk. Scroll down to December 2021 if you´d like to get an idea of what that may be like… More details are here.

December 2021

My trip to Berlin proved to be a wonderfully invigorating experience, thanks to the many lovely people I met and the totally magical environs of the Polymedialer Ponyhof.

Due to covid we ended up performing in the coutyard, in the dusk and dark which was lending itself to listening works! To the right you can see me trying to blow a mirror ball into action (without success…). 

November 2021

I can´t quite believe it but this month I finally get to travel again, and to Berlin of all places too! You can catch the The Listening Wall  and couple of performance by myself and Katrin M at the moving to Polymedialer Ponyhof, Kienitzer Straße 11 Berlin, Germany on Friday 12 and Saturday 13th. Thank you to Peter Cusack, Maike Zimmermann, Hardi Kurda and Jillienne Sellner for contributing new scores!  More information is here.

A bit later in the month on 23 November, Jude Montague Cowan and myself will be playing at Skronk, New River Studios. More info is here. Sadly this performance had to be cancelled due to a bloody quarantine situation. Instead, here is a short video from previous performance at Skronk.

October 2021

I am really looking forward to play with my amazing students this month, as part of the Goldsmiths Improv Collective. All taking place at Noize Night, 6 October 7pm. Free entry. The night is curated/hosted by the marvelous Mira Benjamin and Pete Furniss. More info is here.

September 2021

On 10 September Slow Media will relase a soudscape composition of sorts entitled Thameside Soundwalk.  It comes at the tail end of Covid lockdowns and my daily waks around Deptford Wharf (incidetanlly, you can find the Deptford Wharf photography project on Instagram)

The piece was commissioned by Richard Bentley as part of  a set of ‘slow media’ pieces for hospital patients in Reading, London. You can find out more about the project here (including a video in which we artists talk about our projects) and Thameside Soundwalk itself can be found here. 

May 2021

2105_IrisCourierDespatchYou can now find the video from last month´s performance at Courier Despatch 3.0,  on YouTube. I very much enjoyed playing live again, although I do miss being in one room with people!

So, it´ll be exciting to do that just that in a couple of month´s time, at Deptford X Festival. The performance is covid friendly as it takes place in the garden, from 4pm on 10th July – find out more here.

April 2021

I am delighted that Jez Riley French has included a text score of mine in his lovely collection overborders revolving around the notion of (you guessed it…) borders. So relevant seeing of what´s currently happening in Ireland again… It´s now available as a free PDF via the Walking Festival of Sound website Hope you´ll enjoy it!

Another live performance is coming up, on Saturday 17th at Courier Despatch 3.0, where I´ll be trying out a improvised set up as a duo between voice and synth. I appreciate that you might be out and about the first pub-able weekend, but if you’re staying in then do tune in from 7pm on YouTube

Also, you can watch the video from my performance at the The Horse Improvised Music Club last month month here.

February 2021

I am so missing going to love events and performing at them! Hence I´m very much looking forward to being part of the The Horse Improvised Music Club via IKLECTIK [off-site] at Tuesday 2 March 2021 from 8.30pm GMT. Click here for more.

As we are soon allowed out in groups of 6 again I am looking to re-start the Deptford Wharf soundwalking group. Contact me if you are interested!

January 2021

COVID has made my creative life very quiet, although we are working on an album with the Goldsmiths Improv Collective.

Elsewhere, I am delighted to say that my musings about Lisa Hall´s online exhibition Acts of Air: Reshaping the urban sonic (including the Sound Practice Research workshop back in November) has now been published in Sound Studies Journal – you can read it here. If you are interested in reading it but have no free UNI access, I do have a some free access code – please contact  me if you are interested.

November 2020

In my capacity as the co-head of the Sound Practice Research Unit (SRP) at Goldsmiths, I will be hosting a scores workshop as part of Acts of Air: Reshaping the urban sonic, lead by Lisa Hall. All happens on 1st December via Zoom You can find out more here

August 2020

I finally had some studio time again! It´s been ages since I had the headspace to concentrate for hours on end on recording and editing, what a delight. This time it was a a collaboration with Mexican soundartist Abraham Chavelas which is released on bandcamp on 1st August. Other artists involved are Inrgd, Erik Garzía, Julio Rojas, Felipe Cussen and Eric Jovet. Have a quick listen below.

On 14th August you can hear my work at ISSTA 2020: SONIC PRACTICE NOW, a series of discussions and music around the changing methods of individual practice, collaboration, and sonic discovery made during 2020. And as it is 2020 all will take place on Zoom. Find out more and register for the events on eventbrite.

Looking ahead to September, the Listening Wall is having another outing. Between 8th-10th September the 56th Annual Conference of the RMA, hosted online by Goldsmiths, will feature a different listening score a day from the collection. I have also curated a Sonic Art Playlist featuring work from the community of artists and students attached to Sound Practice Research Unit (SPR) at Goldsmiths which I am co-heading with John Levack Drever. More info and registration is here.

July 2020

Things are getting a little busier again. Phew! On 15th July 7pm UK time, you can catch me on Instagram, in conversation with the fab Mexican soundartist Roberto Romero. We’ll be talking about sound, drawing, improvising. There’ll be an IGTV video available afterwards via @enclaveglobal

On Tuesday 28th July from 12.30–14.00 CEST (11.30-1pm UK) for a Zoom Panel discussion with ARE researcher Dr Anna Walker and choreographer Fin Walker about the crossover of trauma and the body in our research and creative work. This is preceded by Anna’s and Fin’s performances. The event is part the Nordic University’s Summer Symposium 2020. Message me for the Zoom link.

April 2020

No surprises here, but alongside everyone else’s life, plans for mine this summer have pretty much gone out the window. This includes a research trip to Canada to develop the Listening Wall made possible thanks to an a-n Artist Bursary (thank you!).

As the Covid 19 epidemic started to bite, Linear Obsessional asked musicians to send up to three and a half minutes of them playing solo in isolation. You can find my screams of frustration on the Self Isolating Compilation on bandcamp, alongside 84 extraordinary pieces by fellow fallowed souls.

These 85 pieces of music, were then reassembled into new works, resulting in a further compilation called Self Isolating Congregation, a total delight to work on. You can find the complete compilation here. Or just my remix below:

February 2020

On 25 February I am looking forward to another duo with Jude Cowan Montague at Skronk, New River Studios, London, from 7.30pm. We’ll be doing a repeat kinda mad/absurd DJ improvisation with found vinyl. Below is a short and a bit crappy quality video but you get the idea.

Later that week I am off to Birmingham University for a talk “Breathing through wires: bodily interaction in improvised lo-fi electronic voice performance” from 2pm on 28th Feb and a performance of the piece the day after  at BEASTdome/ CrossCurrents+ The Dome mini festival, The Bramall, Birmingham University, 6–9pm. More information is here should you be in the area and interested in coming.

January 2020

This year is off to a good start as I’ll be playing as a trio with the fab Steph Horak & Lucia Chung at SOLO:DUO:TRIO, at Cafe Oto on the 9th. The night is curated by John Macedo and I have to say, this is an inspired combination, so thank you for putting us together!

A somewhat strange (in an interesting way) set with Tansy Spinks as Lab of Sonic Possibility, recorded at the Being Human Festival  at the Horniman Museum and Gardens in November 2019, is now available on bandcamp.Our theme for the day was tea, due to the fact that Horniman Tea was  one of the world’s largest tea trading companies at the time. Tansy is reading from A Nice Cup of Tea by George Orwell whilst I have the pleasure of playing with tea related objects and contributing the odd line from Alice in Wonderland‘s Mad Hatter’s Tea party.

Here is a very nice video by Peter Francis Smith from December’s performance of Lauschen at Fly-by-Night : A Night of Bats, at Hundred Years Gallery:


December 2019

Despite the upcoming X-mas hiatus, this month is surprisingly packed full of interesting projects! It starts on 5th December where my transmission art piece Morse Code Choir (originally commissioned by Radio Arts) appears as part of Sisters Aksousmatica’s project Moonah Community Radio in Australia. From 11am to 3pm AEDT you can tune in locally via 97.1FM or check the live stream at

On 7th December, I am delighted to be hosting the Resonant Frequencies Summit, a day of talks an performances I have co-curated with the David Roberts Art Foundation at Goldsmiths, London. There is a totally amazing line-up, including the Bow Gamelan Ensemble, Harold Offeh, Aura Satz and many more. If you want to come, all the details are here.

The day after, on 8th December I’ll be joining Kazehito Seki, SW1n-HUNTER and Ariane Stolfi with a solo perforance at Iklectik, details are here. It’s such a lovely venue and I always look forward to events there.

Just in time for the festivities, come and join us at Fly-by-Night : A Night of Bats, celebrating all things bat at Hundred Years Gallery, London E2 8J. Among the performers are Robbie Judkins (UK), Helen Frosi (UK), Viv Corringham (UK/US), Melissa Alley (UK), Jude Cowan Montague and Catherine Clover (UK/Australia). Details are here. Profits will go to Bat Conservation International.

November 2019

A couple of days ago, I hugely enjoyed performing with Tansy Spinks as Lab of Sonic Possibilities, at the Being Human Festival, Horniman Museum in London (see pic by M. Leadley to left). John Hornimann was the founder of Hornimann’s Tea Company and revolutionised the tea trade by using mechanical devices to speed up the process of filling pre-sealed packages. Hence Tansy read from George Orwell’s “A Nice Cup of Tea“, accompanied by more or less appropriate sounds by myself.

In a couple of days, on 24 November I’ll be performing solo  (voice and lo-fi electronics) at Not Waiting, Amersham Arms in New Cross Rd . Details are here. I hope some of you can come – the line-up is rather brilliant!

October 2019

I am very excited to be playing with Viv Corringham again, as we had much fun with our improvisation for voice and mini-amps at Mercury Over Maps, Hundred Years Gallery, earlier this year. Below is a short extract using mobile phone footage from this performance (do forgive the crappy sound). This time ’round we’ll be at the Linear Obsessional afternoon on 13th October, 4pm, at the exceptional Arts Cafe in Lewisham. It may well be one of the last events ever there, so do come!

September 2019

Just briefly: a few things to look forward to this autumn are a wearable electronics solo at Noizenight, Goldsmiths SU, 1 October from 6pm, and silent disco type duo with Tansy Spinks as Lab of Sonic Possibilities at the Being Human Festival, Horniman Museum, London on 17 November. Experiments in schizophonic performance…. More details soon! The picture of us btw is from a similar thing, also curated by Marcus Leadley, at the Whitstable Biennale last year.

Below a video extract from a wonderfully absurd improvised performance duo with  voice and turntables with Jude Cowan Montague at Skronk, New River Studios in June.

August 2019

Between 20-23 August I will be decamping to the 8th International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology  RE:SOUND, at Aalborg University in Denmark. I am co-chairing a panel on Performative arts, voice, and construction of memory as part of an amazing track proposed by the wonderful Luz Maria Sánchez. At the same time, the Listening Wall will be installed at the Musikkens Hus, in Aalborg, and will also give a paper about the installation.

At the end of the month, a collaborative recording with Viv Corringham will appear on The Condition of Falling, a bandcamp release in aid of the Hundred Years Gallery Loudspeaker Fund. Do contribute and buy it here!

On 5 September I will give another paper about the Listening Wall, this time exploring “Strategies for scored listening”, at TaPRA 2019: Sound, Voice & Music: Listening Across at the University of Exeter, UK.

July 2019

This is the month of the 50th anniversary of the historic Apollo 11 Moon mission. To celebrate I am dusting off Star Maker, originally a SAM commission for the 40th anniversary celebrations at the Science Museum. This decade, we’re partying at Daylight Music, Union Chapel, on 6th July. I am also performing a re-imagined version of Lilly Greenham´s 1974 composition Relativity (you can hear the original here).

On 11 July we’re embarking on a collaboration with French organisation APO33 for the London leg of a multi-city EU wide festival Electropixel. There’ll be a symposium and concert at Goldsmiths, University of London, entitled Electronic bodies and the abstract morphology of the real. In the morning, I’ll be  giving a talk  aboutbodily interaction in vocal performanceand in the evening I shall perform Lauschen (see picture). Details for the symposium are here and for the concert her here.

I am also looking forward to the publication of my paper “override: An experiment in interrupting the congruity of audio-visual relationships‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬” which can will be published in the journal Sound Effects later this month.

June 2019

On 15 June I will be leading a free introductory Max/MSP workshop in collaboration with my fab colleague Jess Aslan, as part of the Oram Awards, Kings Place, London, 2.30 – 5.30pm. It’s already fully booked but we are keeping a waiting list – more details about how to sign up are hereIf you’re coming, a showreel of audio-visual workd by my MMus Sonic Arts students will also be on show. And I am delighted to say that I was on the panel “judging” the award (what a weird word that is in this context) so I got to listen to a range of amazing works by women and discuss them with a range of amazing women!

A few days later, on 18 June I’ll be performing an improvised voice duo with Jude Cowan Montague at Skronk, New River Studios, London, from 7.30pm. Well, there’ll be voice and there’ll be strange records as we are planning a bit of a absurd show. More details are here.

I am also delighted that the Hither Green Drone Orchestra is having another outing, with a walking performance of a Pauline Oliveros’ piece Horse Sings From Cloud at the amazing Longplayer Day, which takes place at Goldsmiths from 12 noon. Details are here.

April 2019

Once again, my brilliant LCC installation students are showing their work at Gallery 46, 46 Ashfield St, London, E1 2AJ. I have been persuaded to give a little performance too… It’s on 26 April, from 6pm and entry is free.

Next month, 19 May you can catch me performing compositions by Robert Barry, Pauline Oliveros and John White with the delightful Hither Green Drone Orchestra. It’s happening out of doors (fingers crossed for the weather), in Manor Park , Lewisham, London from 12 noon. More details are here. The picture is a group shot from last years performance at the same event.

Last month, my Phonography students appeared on Framework, Resonance FM. You can listen to the archived show at

March 2019

This month is a bit of a busier one. On 14 –17 March you can hear a contribution of mine to Helen Frosi´s piece at the Audiograft Festival, Oxford. It’s a dreamed response to a painting Helen circulated. And that’s pretty much all I know about the project at this point. On 15 March I will be conversation about my practice with Steve Beresford for Unpredictable Radio, followed by a short duo with Matthias Kispert. The event is at Raven Row from 6.30pm and open to the public. I think a video will be available afterwards at

Later on that month, on 29 March, I am decamping to the delightfully nuts Scaledown, at The King and Queen Pub, W1W 6DL for wearable electronic set. More info at

February 2019

I am very much looking forward to my first performance of the year, playing with the wonderful Viv Corringham at Mercury Over Maps on 16 February. Viv and I will both get our mini-amps out and have a bit of a walk-about. The event is curated by Bill Thompson and takes place at Hundred Years Gallery, 13 Pearson St  London E28, from 7:30 PM. Entry is £5 donation.

Equally exciting is a collaborative workshop I am taking part in at Goldsmiths to explore the effect of computational practices on musical instruments. The project was instigated by Koray Tahiroğlu (Aalto University School of ARTS, Finland) and it’s funded by the Academy of Finland and the AHRC. The other participants are Thor Magnusson (University of Sussex), Adam Parkinson (London South Bank University) and Atau Tanaka (Goldsmiths, University of London). You can imagine that I anticipate very stimulating discussions!

November 2018


It has been great fun to dust off my laptop and work out some kinks in my Max patch over the past few weeks, all in readiness for a now quite rare improvisation for digitally augmented voice at Iklectik in London. This is part of of their really fab sounding </CODING in GE> festival which also has a range of workshops on offer. Find the details here.

I have finally managed to upload a documentary from the performance of Lauschen earlier this year. Thankfully just in time for performing the piece at An acquisition of sorts in Oxford later this month. Do come if you’re in the area – more info is here. 

October 2018

picPerforming as part of Laura Denning‘s  Hydrosapien (at the Atlantic Project, Plymouth Guildhall), including creating very satisfying voicings with Joseph Kohlmaier last month was quite an experience and I hope there will be another opportunity at some point before too long. A film was made about the entire project, which I am looking forward to as it contains more information about the process of the Silent Choir.

Earlier this month I appeared with Jude Cowan Montague at Zero Wave #23 in London; we’ve decided to call it a Dr Dr and wear some white lab coats. It was a bit weird.

September 2018

I am very much looking forward to performing with the brilliant Joseph Kohlmaier as part of the equally brilliant Laura Denning‘s piece Hydrosapien. It is inspired by AstridaNeimanis’ notion of hydrofeminism and premiers at Plymouth Arts Weekender later this month. At rehearsals we boiled it down to just voice and a microphone, just sounds amazing. Some pictures are below and more details are at .





Also that weekend, you can find a text score of mine entitled “Score for Contraceptives“as part of Tomoko Hojo‘s Unfinished Descriptions at Hundred Years Gallery, London. The show is based on Yoko Ono’s historical exhibition ‘Unfinished Objects and Paintings’ at the Indica Gallery in 1966, and re-imagines/re-creates works which were not documented in the catalogue. 

August 2019

A few new dates have come in. I will be playing a duo with Jude Cowan Montague at Zero Wave, from 7.30 at 25th October. We haven’t played together for a while, so I am really looking forward to this!

On 15th November I’ll be doing a now rather rare digital voice set at IklectikI haven’t got any further dates as yet but will post as I get them.

Also in November is another performance of LAUSCHEN this time at the superbly titled An acquisition of sorts, in Oxford – thanks to Lee Riley for the invite! More info is here. In the meantime, below are some photos from Lauschen at Bath in July, a video will follow before too long (i hope…).






June 2018

A video extract from my performance at the event “Found Objects : Found Sound”, the audible part of  “Fountain 17”. It took place at Salon Des Refuses 2018 and is based on a telephone book by the way of found object – I had discovered on my doorstep in the morning so it seemed a good choice. More documentation to come soon.

May 2018

Next month is going to be a bit of a mad one. But in a good way. Right at the beginning, on 2 June, I’ll be heading of to the Whitstable Biennale to play an improvised duo for scavenged beach objects and water with Tansy Spinks, as part of The Sounding Shore: Coast to Coast curated by Marcus Leadley. When we played there 2 years ago (which is when the picture left was taken), it was rather a intriguing experience, as we all listened on headphones. The location is the main beach near Keam’s Yard, 11:00—19:00. Perfect Saturday out

Between 7 -10 June, my participatory project Fountain 17 is at Salon des Refusés 2018, at Candid Arts Trust, 3-5 Torrens Street, Islington, London EC1V 1NQ. Thanks to all the artists who contributed images (list is here)

On 10 June I am also curating an afternoon of found objects / found sounds there to accompany the Duchamp inspired work. Amongst others there will be performances by Douglas Benford, David Bloor and myself. You can find the full details here.

I am also looking forward to a trip to Bath! Between 6-8pm on 9 June I am performing Lauschen at It Sounds Devicive in the gorgeous Walcot Chapel, Walcot Gate, Bath BA1 5UG. Also performing will be the wonderful Martin Vishnick and the whole thing has been put together by Lee Riley as part of Fringe Arts Bath Festival.

Lastly, I have some very nice pictures from the Listening Wall show at QSS Gallery, Belfast last month. Here is a little stitched number…


April 2018

Next month I’ll have the good fortune to be part of two fabulous Linear Obsessional events which are part of the mini festival. Number one is one of the regular ArtsCafe afternoons on 13 May, where I’ll perform two pieces with Ingrid Plum, one of which is a voice extract from John Cage’s 4’33 (yeah, we thought that was funny too…).

The other event is Time Dilation on 20 May 12noon-3pm at Manor Park, Lewisham. It’s a full 3 hour durational improvisation curated by Richard Sanderson. Imagine a plethora of amazing improvisors roaming around, literally droning on for hours. Heaven. More about the event is here.

At the beginning of the month, 4 – 11 May, you can also catch the show of my scarily imaginative LCC 2nd year sound installation students at Gallery 46 in Whitechapel. More info is here. 


March 2018

I am delighted! On 25 March I shall be giving an all-day workshop “Exploring site-specificity through sound” at APT Gallery, Deptford, London. This event is in conjunction with the exhibition “[city]Frequency by Maike Zimmermann, a very lovely audio-visual work in which you can see some surprising similarities between New York and Deptford. Who would have guessed! I have also contributed a short text “Sound in Place” to the exhibition catalogue. More details about the workshop and the booking link are here.

In April I will travel to Belfast for Sonorities Festival 2018, which has the fabulous subtitle, “you might not like it”…  Between 18-22 April the Listening Wall will be installed at QSS Gallery, in the city centre. On 21 April I will also give a paper about the project, called “The Listening Wall: A journey into scored listening” at Sonorities Symposium 2018: Techno–Human Encounters, SARC, Belfast. Hope to see some of you there!


February 2018

Between 2-18 February a VR app containing a series of audio-visual pieces I created as part of the Soundscapes Landscapes (City Above Life Below) residency at Onassis Centre, Athens will be on show there. Do check them out if you’re in the area! I am very sad that I won’t be able to go and get the full VR experience myself!

A bit later in the month, on 28 February, Ingrid Plum will be performing a score that I created for her, called the “the modular vocalist”, at Rose Hill Brighton, Rose Hill Terrace, Brighton, Click here for more info. It is part of her amazing Taut project that you might want to check out if you’re into voice related things. This is that, at its best!

On 9 March I am heading over to London College of Communication, where I will be on the CRiSAP Research Game Show. It sounds like huge fun, and will also explore some serious issues around methodologies for practice based research. All taking place at LCC, Lecture Theatre B, Elephant & Castle London, London SE1 6SB. Free entry, 5pm to 7pm. More details are here. An annotated transcript will be available at the end of the year in Reflections on Process in Sound.


December 2017

Before the year draws to a close, there is a bunch (105 to be exact) of marvellous free recording on the way, one of which is mine unsurprisingly… It’s called Iris’ View and is a humorous take on the title of the album, A View from the Hill. The whole thing is available from the most delightful Linear Obsessional label, on 24th December. Click here to download it. 




November 2017

I am delighted that a peri-urban exploration I undertook a while back with Postcards from the Volcano, aka Helen Frosi and Stephan Barrett, finds another airing. This takes place on 6th November at 7pm on Glasgow’s radio art fab project Radiophrenia.

The next outing for my Transmedia Border pieces is on 15 November, 7pm, at Expanded poetry and multimedia arts, University Museum of Chopo / Dr. Enrique González Martínez no. 10. Col. Santa Maria la Ribera, CDMX, Mexico. Details are here. There have been some great reviews about the project. If you don’t speak Spanish, there is aways g**gle translate…, says  something along the lines of:

“Content and form achieve a more direct contact, a hypermedia by juxtaposition that is just the precise support for something sublime such as identity.”

Between 27 November and 2nd December, I will also play some live dates in Mexico City and Guadalajara, the details of which are to be found here.

But before heading of, on 25th November I am playing a trio with Zoe Gilmore and Iona Tangy (who some of you might know as a member of Amsterdam-based electronic art punk band Minny Pops), in memory of fellow musician Lyndsey Cockwell who sadly passed away earlier this year. Find all the info here.

On 15 December I will play an x-mas inflected Duo with Richard Sanderson at Scaledown, at The King and Queen, 1 Foley Street, London, W1W 6DL, 8pm. We’ve decided to call ourselves the Intergalactic Exchange Students. Total(ly) (mis)fits.

Another very lovely review has come my way – see the one from last month’s NoizeMaschin!!#15  here, seriously blush-inducing material!


October 2017

Finally, I will have a chance to play live again, thanks to NoizeMaschin!!#15 on 3rd October, 7.30 PM at theAmersham Arms, London. The format of the night is very unique, with overlapping sets, so do check out the details here.

On 11 Oct, catch my session Scores for Listening at Points Of Listening#37, London College of Communication, 6.30pm. It takes my project Listening Wall as a point of departure and questions we might ask ourselves are not just related to what we hear, but also to how we create such identifications, and to what extent listening activities such as these are individual or communal, passive or active. More information can be found here. (The image is from last month’s excursion to Supernormal Festival, courtesy of Karen Stone / the title of the session is borrowed from jez riley french’s series of works of the same name)


August 2017

Listening Wall

I am very exited to say that between 4th and 6th August you can experience an extended version of the Listening Wall at Supernormal Festival, Braziers Park, Oxfordshire. It’s all the better because I will be there in person for the duration, performing with the Bermuda Triangle Test Transmission in the BEEF Octopolis shed at 9pm on the 5th August.

Looking a little ahead, on 11th September my Transmedia Border pieces will be in evidence at the Expanded poetry and Multimedia Arts Conference at the Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana, Sala de cine, José María Izazaga 92, Centro, CDMX, México. Details are here. 


July 2017

On 4th July I have been invited to give a talk and participate in a panel at Political Aesthetics in Sound Art: Gender & Feminism as part of Sonic Waterloo. The panel is hosted by the Wire’s deputy editor Emily Bick; also participating will be Cathy Lane. It all takes place at Iklectik, London, 6-8pm. Details are here.

I am very much looking forward to performing a duo with Richard Sanderson at Linear Obsessional Live on 15th July at Vinyl Deptford, 4 Tanners Hill, London SE8 4PJ London. Needless to say there will be plenty more amazingly good music on offer, amongst them raxil4 and Chris Prosser with James O’Sullivan. More details are here. 

Earlier this year I was invited to participate in Transmedia Borders, a project based in Mexico exploring the very timely subjects of immigration, displacement, language, visual and sound friction. It is curated by the poet Rocío Cerón and also features the wonderful Aki Onda and Abraham Chavelas, with the first event taking place on 27 July at 17th Feria del Libro Infantil y Juvenil Hidalgo. 8pm, Centro Cultural del Ferrocarril, General Ignacio Mejía S/N, Col. Morelos, Pachuca de Soto Hidalgo, Mexico. Details are here.


June 2017

On 21st June, the first ever Longplayer Day, a 12-hour peripatetic cross-disciplinary festival at various venues between Goldsmiths University and London’d Trinity Buoy Wharf is set to take place. Longplayer Day is inspired by Jem Finer’s 1000-year long composition of the same name – the philosophy, interests and aims behind it. I am totally delighted to be the Goldsmiths academic lead on this project! Find all programme details, and subsequent documentation here.

28th June sees the launch of a mobile phone app containing pieces I created as part of the Soundscapes Landscapes (City Above Life Below) residency at  the Onassis Cultural Centre in Athens, Greece last autumn. The project is curated by Medea Electronique and effectively constitutes an interactive audio-visual walk through the neighbourhoods of Kerameikos and Metaxourgeio. A virtual reality version will be released early next year.


April 2017

Next Month is set to be a busy one. On 6th May, in collaboration with Douglas Benford, I will be live-scoring a section of the apocalyptically prophetic documentary exploring post-human insect survivals, “The Hellstrom Chronicle” (which, incidentally inspired the sci fi novel Hellstrom’s Hive) as part of Liar Lyre – Remarking Nature, Welcome Collection, London. Programmes at 12noon and 2.30pm.

Ten days later, on 16th May I will be travelling to Plymouth, to give a keynote The Multidimensionality of Objects at the super interesting symposium Multisensory Aesthetics, a transdisciplinary collaboration between psychology, fine art, 3D design and sound art to explore the creation and perception of multisensory artworks, University of Plymouth. All curated an put together by the fab Mike Blow!

On the very same day, the equally fab Ingrid Plum is set to perform one of my scores – “The Modular Vocalist” – written specifically with her formidable capabilities in mind. All taking place at Cinema Expanded – the Sensual Nature of Sound at the De La Warr Pavilion, Bexhill, East Sussex. More details are here.

On 21st May, the Listening Wall will pop up at the Linear Obsessional Festival, ArtsCafe, Manor Park, London SE13 5QZ. I hope you can join us for a day of experimental sound!


March 2017


I have just received the new Prescott album Thing or Two in the post, on account of me having contributed a few seconds of vocal madness to one of the tracks. It is lovely to have a real CD in my hand again, and this one is so worth buying when it is released on 1st May!

For International Women’s Day on 8th March, Jude Montague Cowan and myself will released a film around the London anti-Trump women’s march on 21st January of this year. The sound was created live on Resonance FM, using tweets and material from other media outlets whilst the images are photographs taken on the March. Find the film here.

I am also hugely looking forward to my research trip to Beijing later this month to explore a project around Beijing Opera and contemporary vocal performance.  I have never been before so doubtlessly I shall be doing all those delightfully tacky touristy things such as visiting the Forbidden City!  On 28th March, 9pm I shall be performing at fRUITYSPACE at 13 Meishuguan Dongjie, Dongcheng, Beijing, run by the lovely people of the fRUITYSHOP shop record shop, which I shall doubtlessly spend some time in! I’d be up for other performances/workshops/talks too so do get in touch for anything that is happening between 25/3 and 9/4.


January 2017


January is shaping up to be a surprisingly busy month. I have just started as a Senior Lecturer in Sonic Art at Goldsmiths, University of London and feeling very stimulated by my new fab colleagues and students. I wish there were more hours in the day to chat and exchange ideas! As it is, on 10th January I will be giving a talk about my recent work entitled  Sounding ceramic sculptures at the Music Research Series at Goldsmiths.

On 21 January (from 2.30pm) I will appear on The News Agent, on Resonance FM, talking with Jude Cowan Montague about process, and, more importantly, improvising with tweets and such like in response to the anti-Trump women’s march in London. Later that week, on 29th January, my “installation” of sorts Listening Wall, featuring a collection of listening scores contributed by fellow artists, will open as part of the Chinese Open, in a multi-story car park in  London’s China Town. The exhibition continues until 5th February. Find the details here.


December 2016

November has been a very busy month! I very much loved being in Athens for the Soundscapes Landscapes (City Above Life Below) residency, working on a range of pieces celebrating the notion of a “Bifurcation of Time”. A small taster can be found below, the final project with be launched in early summer 2017 at the Onassis Cultural Centre, Athens, Greece.

Christmas Eve will see the release of Faulty Retrieval, a compilation track for the Linear Obsessional compilation Utterances, amongst 111 (yes, you read correctly…) other fabulous artists and their works. It celebrates my lacking ability to remember any lyrics correctly and a budding personal nostalgia for the CD format.


October 2016

I am delighted to say that I have been awarded the Sound and Music  Francis Chagrin Award, which will go towards purchasing some recoding equipment. It’s very timely as I will be able to use it during my upcoming Soundscapes Landscapes (City Above Life Below) residency in Athens (Greece). The projects brings together a group of international artists to work on a joint project to be exhibited at the Onassis Cultural Center in Athens. You’ll be able to follow what’s happening on my residency blog.

Very exciting news is another development, I am starting a new label with Jude Cowan Montague. It’s called Hardy Cuttings and is dedicated  to nurturing sounds from avant-pop to post-dada. 

Lastly, below a documentary covering my performance Eclipse and other offerings from Switched On at the Beaney Art Museum in Canterbury (UK) earlier this year.


September 2016

Littoral Assembly, the ceramics and sound installation developed with Icelandic artist Ingibjörg Gudmundsdottir for the Brighton Digital Festival has opened  at the Phoenix Brighton and will continue till the 25th. You can read an interview with one of the curators, Joseph Young, at It has been an absolutely wonderful experience all the way through so no wonder that the image shows everyone looking relaxed and smiling! I am thinking of re-working the material into an album with a provisional title of Brighton Variations.

This gorgeous documentary about the whole Landscape : Islands residency project produced by Tela Films gives you at least a little flavour what it was all about:


August 2016

My  Landscape : Islands residency has gone off to a good start with traveling down to Brighton, meeting everyone involved and comparing ideas. We will give a public talk about our ideas and experiences at the Spotlight event on 30th August and our installation opens at the Brighton Digital Festival on 1st September. In the meantime I’ll be posting regular updates on my blog.

On 4th September, 4-7pm I am playing with Jude Cowan Montague at the delightful Manor Park Arts Cafe in Lewisham (London SE13 5QZ) again. It’s a fab Linear Obsessional event and hence reliably quirky. Also playing will be Viv Corringham and we might end the day with a trio if the mood takes us. In any case, I hope the weather will hold and we can play outside!

A few days later -10th September to be precise –  I’ll be decamping to Margate, playing at Electromatronic alongside CSMA and the Athelstan Sound Ensemble. The venue we’re playing at – the Tom Thumb Theatre – is one of the smallest theatres in the world, originally built as a Victorian coach house. Should be intriguing! Find all the details at

From 1st to 8th November I will be artist in residence at Soundscapes Landscapes, City Above Life Below, produced by Medea Electronique at the Onassis Cultural Centre in Athens, Greece. There will be some public activity around the residency which I will post about at a later date.

Lastly, my paper “Listening lives: how some sound artists understand inputs to their practice” has been excepted to Sonologia in Sao Paulo. Now I just have to find the money to get there!


July 2016

IMG_1483After a little summer break, I am springing back into action.  First up, on 11th July I will be giving a paper Traces in/of/with Sound: an artist’s experience of audio-visual space at Sonic Environments/NIME in Brisbane. Sadly I can’t be there in person but will be delivering the paper via skype at 4.30am in the morning. That’ll be an early night then. Find the proceedings here.

After our Lab of Sonic Possibilities performance for beach and microphones at the Whitstable Biennale’s Silent programme, I am very much looking forward to our next outing, this time with a performance for angle lamps. It will take place on 28th July, 3-5pm. at V22 Louise House in Forrest Hill, 3-5pm. You can see pictures from Whitstable here.

I am very happy to have a little remix of sorts on the limited edition Longstone remix project Kinka-zan (Risaikuru Remixed), released on Linear Obsessional. It is full of great tracks and can be ordered or downloaded from

In August, I will be busy with my Landscape : Islands residency – a collaboration with Icelandic ceramics artist Ingibjörg Gudmundsdottir. The installation we are creating will open on 1st September at the Phoenix Brighton. You can follow our progress on my blog. There will be some talks around it which I will post about later.


May 2016


I am currently in the process of preparing a new audio-visual performance piece called Otzi for the MuseRuole Festival, to take place at the Museion Museum for Modern and Contemporary Art in Bolzano/Italy, on 27th May 2016, curated by Valeria Merlini, aka JD Zazie. The piece loosely inspired by the story of the Ötzi the ieceman, an extremely well-preserved natural mummy who was found buried in ice in the nearby Ötztal Alps (hence the name). His body and belongings are now on display in the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology, just down the road from the festival venue.

Later this summer I will be working on a collaborative installation with Icelandic ceramics artist Ingibjörg Gudmundsdottir for the Brighton Digital Festival. The project is part of the Landscape : Islands series devised by Kay Aplin and Joseph Young.

I am also looking forward to revisiting another collaboration, the Lab of Sonic Possibilities with Tansy Spinks. We are currently developing a performance for microphones and beach for the Whitstable Biennale’s Silent program curated by Marcus Leadley on 4th June. The Lab of Sonic Possibilities explores the sonic and performative potential of objects and I greatly enjoyed the exhibition “Conceptual Art in Britain 1964–1979” (on at Tate Britain till September), where some of the artists revisited sculpture from the perspective of process (e.g Bruce McLean’s work)

Lastly, you also might want to have a look at a video from my performance Lauschen at the Lewisham Art House in March, which can be accessed here. Documentation from the recent J.I.G performance is also now online.


April 2016

2749672809_5384c97f97_oOn 3rd May I‘ll be talking about Procedural Blending: a model of process in sound art practice at Goldsmiths University. It’s from  5-7pm in the Richard Hoggart Building,  Entry is free.

Three days later, on 6th May 1-2pm I’ll be at the University of Brighton for a talk as part of a the Landscape : Islands series by ceramics artist Kay Aplin and sound artist and Joseph Young. My talk is called Swallows and Amazons: a collaborative residency in the Lake District and  ‘ll be revisiting a project with the artists’ collaborative Urbania in a off-grid farm house in the Lake District where we made work for Royal Academy GSK Contemporary show in 2009. And yes, we did build a lake-going vessel and conveyed it to an island in Coniston Water…

I am delighted to be playing again with JIG –  consisting of Jude Cowan Montague, Georgina Brett and myself. It’s at Sonic ImperfectionsThe Montague Arms, Queens Road, Peckham SE15 on 10th May, 7pm. Jig combines electronic voice manipulations with spoken word poetry to produce an ever-changing surreal conversation, spanning music, comedy and even map reading. Fun!

And, as a reminder, on 29th April Finnish label Tavern Eightieth will release an extract of my first ever duo with the excellent Poulomi Desai (modified sitar + electronics) at Salon des Refusés/Sonica FM.  It’s on a double CD full of other superb artists (including AGF, Richard Sanderson), all in aid of Alzheimer’s UK, so do pre-order TVEI24 now!


March 2016

LAUSCHIII hope you will be able to join me at the Lewisham Art House on Thursday 7th April for an acoustic improvised set of voice and whispers. It’s at Lausch II, a series of performances and events exploring new sounds and experiences curated by Adam Jaro and Rahel Kraft. Also playing will be Artur Vidal with Grundik Kasyansky, and  Khaled Kaddal. Entry is £5. More details at

My contribution to Jeremy Young‘s Chants Beneath Project, which features commissions based on his unique cassette-tape loops, is now available on his podcast Space Space which also features work by Simon Whetham, Yan Jun, Magali Babin, John Chantler, Doron Sadja, Josh Mason, Ella Joyce Buckley and Steven Vinkenoog. It’s available from or


February 2016

Space-14June2015-024My paper From conceptual blending to procedural blending: applying a model of cognition to process in sound art practice has just been published as part of the OFF THE LIP: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Cognitive Innovation conference proceedings. Download the paper here.

On 1st March you can catch me in conversation with Graham Dunning on his fabulous Fractal meat show on NTS Live. It’s at 1am in the morning, so if that’s a bit too early, you can listen to the archive later. It also contains loads of other interesting interviews and great music, so definitely wort spending a bit of time with!

A few days later, on 4th March I’ll giving a seminar about sound arts process at the Bodleian Library for Digital Scholarship in Oxford. You can find out more and register here.

Last  but not least, here comes some of the creative stuff. An extract of my first ever duo with the excellent Poulomi Desai (modified sitar + electronics) from Salon des Refusés/Sonica FM last year will be released on the Finnish label Tavern EightiethThe double CD is full of other superb artists and their music (including AGF, Richard Sanderson), all in aid of Alzheimer’s UK, so do pre-order TVEI24 now!


January 2016

Just in time for the New Year, the fourth issue of Reflections on Process in Sound has been completed. In it, Chris Weaver considers the development of Variations for Rooms and a Tone during a collaborative residency with Fari Bradley in Dubai; SoundFjord‘s Helen Frosi and Stephan Barrett muse about their collaborative project Postcards from the Volcano; Melbourne based Catherine Clover gives us an example of her species-spanning listening practice; Salomé Voegelin and David Mollin explore their writing practice via the transcript of a talk for Nietzsche, Cyclists and Mushrooms in Switzerland; Magz Hall introduces Tree Radio, an out-door installation at Yorkshire Sculpture Park. You can find it at

To continue with reading matters, check out a very nice blog post about the CREAM workshop Art/Science: Observations on Commonalities of Process led by myself and Graham Klyne at the Jisc Research Data Spring gathering in December on the Digital Curation Centre blog here. You can find out about my and others’ 2016 New Music Predictions, and see a list of the top 100 releases of 2015 – with my album Breathing Through Wires on Pan y Rosas Discos coming in at number 4! 

My first concert of the year will take place on the 22nd January, with JIG at Club Integral, The Others, 6-8 Manor Road, London N16. Find the details here. Or listen to an interview with JIG member Georgina Brett on Resonance FM, which also features some excerpts of recordings at

The next outing will be to the International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC) in Amsterdam, where I will participate in a joint CREAM paper Using metadata actively and workshop Metadata in action. The paper will be published at a later date.


December 2015

Before the year is out I managed to deal with a backlog of photographs. So, below are links to sets from the CRiSAP trip to Venice, including the symposium at the Venice University School of Architecture, the Biennale, eating pizza, staying in a convent, and travelling on canals.

Venice LCC trip Nov 2015

The second set is from a trip to Plymouth to the “OFF THE LIP: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Cognitive Innovation” conference, convened by CogNovo and the Plymouth University Cognition Institute last September.

Plymouth conference Sept 2015


November 2015

I am looking forward to playing a rare 8-channel concert at SOUNDkitchen‘s SONICpicnic event at Vivid Projects, Birmingham. It’ll be streamed via SonicaFM and should be up on the archive afterwards. Also playing are Justin Wiggan, another voice artist Girilal Baars and many others. More info is here.

I am also very much looking forward to the CRiSAP outing to the IUAV University of Venice, School of Architecture, Venice, Italy, where I shall be be giving stalk about Sound and the Imagination in Urban Spaces at the Sound Passages: passaggi di suono Symposium.

Here – finally – an extract from my performance/talk at the National Gallery‘s ‪‎Soundscapes‬ Late event in September. Thanks to John Kannenberg for the recordings and Lisa Hall for organising!


October 2015

I am emerging from a week in bed to the good news that Getty Images are sponsoring FOG, the follow-on project to SMOKE. I will use images of London’s famous pea-soupers from their archive for a second audio-visual piece. Elsewhere, on 223rd of October one of my composition features in the Vox Novus Festival at Brookfield Place New York, 230 Vesey Street, New York, NY.

Earlier this year I was a judge on the JTTP competition, held by the Canadian Electroacoustic Community. Its winner Xavier Madore features in Akousma 12 on 8th October in Montreal, QC, Canada. On the same day I will be playing at EAVI XIII by Goldsmith’s Embodied AudioVisual Interaction Group in London, with Graham Dunning,  Kim Kate, Rose Dagul, and plenty of others. See more here

Should you be interested in reading material, cheek my blog post Procedural Blending for Collaboration on the CREAM blog hereA very nice review of  Meditations on Light by Simon Whetham , released on Monochrome Vision in 2011, includes an equally nice mention of my contribution, Lonesome Alien Rider. Read it here. 


September 2015

To start off with here is a link to the wonderful performance with Jude Cowan Montague and Georgina Brett at  New River Studio last month. We’ve decided to take this collaboration further in future, so do watch out for J.I.G activities – currently planned is a performance around mental health on The News Agents  on, planned for early next year,

I am also looking forward to another voice trio, taking place on 1st October with Jude Cowan Montague, Viv Corringham and myself at The Potting Shed vs Friends of Jude at Full Stop Cafe, Brick Lane, London 8-11pm.

Earlier this month, I will travel to “OFF THE LIP: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Cognitive Innovation” convened by CogNovo and the Plymouth University Cognition Institute to give a paper  “From conceptual blending to procedural blending: applying a model of cognition to process in sound art practice” has been accepted to the conference. It will be published In january.


August 2015

On 4th September I will create a performance-walk around the Soundscapes Exhibition at the National Gallery. The performance is part of Soundscapes Late and essentially I will do realtime responses to several paintings.

Below are some images of my new voice/electronics performance collaboration with the amazing  Jude Cowan Montague and Georgina Brett at  New River Studio. It was a great pleasure! I very much enjoyed the sound in that place and I’ll put a recording up shortly.

Also, my first ever duo with the fab Poulomi Desai at SonicaFM’s 3-day sound art festival for Salon des Refusés was a great success! We really work well together!

An extract of the concert will be released  on the Finnish label Tavern Eightieth early next year. In the meantime, here is a low res sneak preview:

Lastly, I am delighted to announce that my research into process  is continuing, as I will be applying my notion of procedural blending to the investigation of active metadata as part of the JISC funded cross-institutional research project CREAM.

July 2015

On 2 July, 9pm, My Radio Arts Dreamlands commission Morse Code Choir will receive another airing at For the rest of the month it will be streamed via

My paper “From conceptual blending to procedural blending: applying a model of cognition to process in sound art practice” has been accepted to the conference “OFF THE LIP: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Cognitive Innovation” convened by CogNovo and the Plymouth University Cognition Institute. I know, it’s a bit of a mouthful, but I’m expecting it to be a nourishing one!  It will take place from 9-11 September in Plymouth.

A little earlier, on 26 July a new vocal performance collaboration of mine with  Jude Cowan Montague, Georgina Brett will have its premiere at  New River Studios, 199 Eade Road, N4 1DN. Streamed at We are intending to develop it into a full-blown Orchestra of Voicea in due course!

June 2015

On Sunday 14th June at 2pm I’ll be playing my first duo with the fab Poulomi Desai, which I’m very much looking forward to! The concert takes place as part of SonicaFM’s 3-day sound art festival for Salon des Refusés in 129 – 131 Mare Street, E8 3RH. It will be streamed so if you can’t be there in person, listen online at SonicaFM’! All the details inludiung line-up can be found here.

Cycling74’s Max Connect is in town and I’ll be giving a performance/lecture to demonstrate how I use the software in performance. Also on are Nick RothwellLeafcutter John  and Ned Rush. It’ll all happen on Thursday 18th June from 7pm at Music Hackspace, E2 9DS. All the details are here.

I’m very happy to making sounds again with Jude Cowan Montague . On 27th June at 2.30pm  we’ll be creating the imaginary City of Irisjude  live on Resonance FM for the hybrid news-arts programme The News Agents,  a hybrid news-arts show Listen live or online via

Also, for all your process-oriented folks, I have uploaded my thesis From inputs to outputs: an investigation of process in sound art practice here and the fourth issue of Reflections on Process in Sound is under way with an expected publication date later this summer.

May 2015

I’ll be performing a new version of my stargazing radio/performance piece (Talking) Space to Space at the The Beaney Museum in Canterbury. Free tickets for the Switched On event on the 9th May, which also features The Bohman Brothers, Blevin Blectum, Poulomi Desai and more, can be obtained from eventbrite.

I’ve received a few great images from recent talks and performances. The photographs directly below are from Field Studies, taken by Joseph Kohlmaier. I was responding to notes and drawings from participants.

The following pictures were taken at Sonic Imperfections, Telegraph Hill Festival, by Jay Alix @jayalixphoto.


April 2015

On April 1st I will give the keynote at this year’s fabulous Field Studies series at Musarc, London. Expect a mix of past projects and a short live performance. Very much looking forward to it!

Also in April I’ll be part of  a live voice, electronics and live visuals quartet featuring Blanca Regina, Sharon Gal and Nathan Jones. It’s at LimeWharf in London and will be broadcast at Sonica.FM. For more information click here.

March 2015

Delighted to say that my performance piece Unwitting Scores has made it into an amazing collection of works curated by Poulomi Usurp Desai for the Google Cultural Institute from material in the British Music Collection at Sound And Music on occasion of International Women’s Day. It also features works by the fab Magz HallRiz MaslenAin Bailey and many other amazing women! Find it here.

My Radio Arts commission Morse Code Choir, a composition made from historical events throughout the 20th century translated into sonified Morse Code can be heard on Resonance FM on 11th March, and for a month afterwards via youarehear.

A very nice review of my recent live album Breathing Through Wires has appeared in ATTN Magazine and can be read in full here. My favoured bit:

Garrelfs’ gymnastic flexibility is remarkable. Her falsetto has this incredible pinball elasticity, zipping suddenly upward in playful excitement or sudden shock, reaching pitches that seem to shrink her into miniature.

February 2015

After a fabulous residency at Tate Britain, inviting stories and stories around the theme of listening into my Listening Room earlier this month have now finished putting some further  documentation online, including a link to the radio broadcast featuring extracts from the conversations. You can find it all here.

Jude Cowan Montague and myself have started a new venture, called The Potting Shed. It’s all about nurturing sounds and connections with a lighthearted approach to creating things on the hoof. Our first event takes place on 21st Februatry at 100 Years Gallery, London with John Bisset, Rabbit and Cos Chapman. Find out more details here.

Also a new concert has just come in:  On Tuesday 17th March. 7.30pm I will be playing  at Sonic Imperfections, Telegraph Hill Festival, St Catherine’s church, Pepys road, SE14. Also on the bill are Barrel, Bei Bei Wang and the Iyatra quartet. You can still listen to me in conversation with Sonic Imperfections curator Ian Faragher on Resonance FM.

Lastly, on Thursday 26 March I will give a talk entitled Voice and Material at the ICA, London as part of Critical Waves, a collaborative project around research and radio.

January 2015

After my last album Bedroom Symphonies made it into a list of the best albums of 2014 on Future FM, my new release Breathing Through Wires is now out on the best net label of the year (according to CC Music), Chicago based PanY Rosas DiscosBreathing Through Wires features a selection of live improvised and processed voice performances, recorded in the UK between 2012 and 2014. Expect to hear a wide range of sounds and sonic modalities, from aggressive screams to delicate melodies, intricate rhythms to machine noises all constructed from and through live voice in an act of listening. Listen for free here.

For all my New York based friends:, my sound work Sofa Surfing USA  will feature as part of Circuit Bridges at Gallery MC in NYC on January 29. Find the details here.