Donna, an Art of Noise remix for The Abduction of the Art Of Noise, Iris Light. Collaboration with Si-cut.db. April 04. Last time I looked it was worth $5,659 new and $99.99 used on Amazon.com. I have one left and am open to offers…
Mixmasters, Episode 4 DVD, interview and mix with visuals by D-fuse for this audiovisual DVD. The Sprawl mix of Si-cut.db and bitTonic music with Dfuse visuals, released as part of a Mixmasters DVD (Moonshine, US) was broadcast on an Australian TV broadcast on 12th March; the DVD was also nominated for an MTV award. Read […]
Ave Maria, compilation track for Hmm, Sprawl. 2001 Also featuring David Toop, Kit Clayton, Kaffe Matthews, Kreidler, AGF, Osymyso and more. Buy on Boomkat. “Hmm is about comparing the structures and functions of early sacred music with electronic or digital musics. Hmm is about exploring parallels, re-visiting the sounds and messages we were issued with as children, restructuring […]