Breathing Through Wires, Pany Rosas Discos, 2015
Garrelfs’ gymnastic flexibility is remarkable. Her falsetto has this incredible pinball elasticity, zipping suddenly upward in playful excitement or sudden shock, reaching pitches that seem to shrink her into miniature.”
Sept 2013: Colm Lally (ed). “E:vent Archive and Related Material 2003-2011”. Available from
Nov 2011: I have finally managed to upload some critical writing on my work by Brandon LaBelle.
September 2009: “Glitch: Designing Imperfections” by Iman Moradi and Ant Scott, published in New York by Mark Batty, discussing my piece ‘Dumplinks, a rubbish film for duck and other water based artifacts’
June 2007: “The Fundamentals of Sonic Art & Sound Design” by Tony Gibbs, published by Thames & Hudson
More soon.
Nov 2011
An interview by composer Peter McKerrow. It was broadcast on Resonance FM back in May, the 30th at 8pm to be precise. Here you go:
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for more interviews click here
The book ‘Glitch: Perfect Imperfections’ by Iman Moradi and Ant Scott, published in New York by Mark Batty in November 2008 includes a tiny slice of ‘Dumplinks, a rubbish film for duck and other water based artifacts’. For more about the project click here, for more about the book, click here.