Jan 302022
Collaboration with Viv Corringam

Over the years Viv and Iris have explored their joined interest in improvisation and voice. Below are a few examples: 2013 – Composition “Who says banshees have no fun?” for MuseRole-women in experimental music, Italy. Listen here OnTheAirJukeBox 2019 – Composition “Brixton Lullaby” for Down to a Sunless Sea. Listen on bandcamp 2019 A short […]

Feb 212020
Breathing Through Wires

“Breathing Through Wires”, is an improvised voice and wearable lo-fi electronics performance. This involves a head worn mic and a small hand-held speaker “by which sound is re-combined with body, re-focusing schizophonic experience” (Tahiroğlu et al., in press).   The performance is part of Garrelfs’ longstanding interest in the relationship between human expressivity and technology […]

Jul 212018
Lab of Sonic Possibilities: sounding shore :: COAST TO COAST

Our performance at the Whitstable Biennale earlier this month is released by DIVAcontemporary as part of sounding shore :: COAST TO COAST V[1] on bandcamp on June 25 2018. We are the cover girls too! For the performance, Tansy and I brought a water bucket and spade. We also collected materials on the beach, all of which […]

Oct 212016
Lab of Sonic Possibilities: live on the beach

Our performance at the Whitstable Biennale in June of this year is released by DIVAcontemporary as part of Whitstable 2016 :: live on the beach V[1] on bandcamp on October 1, 2016 For the performance, Tansy and I collected materials on the beach which we then improvised with. Audiences listened via headphone which created an […]

Jul 042016
City of Iris and Jude

Site specific sonic post-Dada madness with Iris Garrelfs and Jude Cowan Montague. “Oddest moment was that I was complaining about the fact that I’d forgotten about the Dada event the previous day, then we rushed in to watch those women do that thingy…” About a performance at Linear Obsessional Live in the Park No.11.

May 192016
Lab of Sonic Possibilities

The Lab of Sonic Possibilities is a collaboration between Tansy Spinks and Iris Garrelfs in which they explore locations through listening and sound related activities, uncovering different perspectives on site specificity this reveals. 16 December 2019 sees the release of Sounds from the Garden on bandcamp which includes a set of us recorded at the […]

Apr 122016

Lauschen is a performance work by Iris Garrelfs for improvised voice, environment and listening cones. It was originally devised in 2016 specifically for Lausch II at Lewisham Art House, London, UK as a series curated by Rahel Kraft, but has since been performed elsewhere. Lauschen is a German term, meaning “close listening” or “eavesdropping”. The performance […]

Dec 282015

J.I.G. is a collaboration between three artists and their voices, Jude Cowan Montague, Iris Garrelfs and Georgina Brett. They combine electronic voice manipulations with spoken word and poetry to produce an ever-changing surreal conversation, spanning music, absurdity and the occasional spot of map reading. Find upcoming concerts here. Recordings from previous events: Live at Sonic […]